Friday, January 12, 2018

Why Worship?

Why must we worship when life is crashing down? Why must we raise our gaze when there are a world of things that just need to be set straight? Is that an excuse to be irresponsible, to avoid or ignore the issue? Hands and feet, right? God gave us a brain, yes?

I think it's just the opposite. I think when we feel like worship is the last thing we have time for, busy becomes our excuse, and in truth we are effectively telling God, "I got this."
Doesn't that sound overwhelmingly foolish when you look at it on its face like that? "I'm sorry, Maker of Heaven and Earth, One Who Knit My Soul, The Beginning and The End who knows yesterday, today and tomorrow, Great I AM. I need to take this out of Your hands and put it in my own. I need some results here."

Why do we praise Him in this storm? You may as well ask yourself why you call 911 when there's an emergency. That's what you do in trouble. You call for help.
Otherwise next time, when you're moving a heavy load like a dresser or something down the stairs and you trip and fall, when all that weight is coming down on your head, just call out to the other person holding the other end, "I got this. You just stand there and watch. I don't need any help."

Worship isn't just for when we feel all cozy and warm and life is sunny skies with smooth sailing. Far be it. That's like saying language is only of use when there's poetry to write and songs to sing.
A friend recently shared this image and I want to share it here as well. I think you may as well title it: "Top Reasons to Worship"

Lift your eyes unto the hills, and fix your gaze not on what is seen, but what is unseen...
Psalm 121, 2 Cor 4:6-18, Psalm 42
Go read. Soak. Reflect. Ponder....then worship.  You think it sounds silly.  I dare you to try it. 

Monday, January 01, 2018


Something to consider this year:
I’ve had well-meaning friends and family who were opposed to my wife and I getting married at 19, opposed to me buying my first camera, opposed to us building our photography studio, opposed to us selling our studio, opposed to homeschool, opposed to us taking our family to Haiti, opposed to coming home from Haiti, and deeply opposed to our faith.
Those were well-meaning people, friends and family not bent on our demise, just trying to look out for us the best they knew how, with advice on life from their perspective.

Today, looking back, every one of those decisions I’m truly grateful for. Not one of them do I regret, and they enriched and blessed my life in ways only Heaven understands.
They were right as rain to me, custom fit decisions that have determined the course of my life for all eternity. To remove any one of them would be - well, you may as well take some colors out of the rainbow and try to sell it to me as just as beautiful.
My point is this: Who are you going to listen to this year?
Sometimes my friend, people just don't know what's best for you, and sometimes those people are you.
The best advice I could ever give: Give your ear to The Maker of Heaven and Earth. Jesus. The One who knit your very soul, and has not only called you His Masterpiece, His Poem, His Work of Art, but knows your entire course, from start to finish. He knows every wind that will blow you off your course. He knows every storm, and He made every sunrise, for you.
Here is my prayer. I’m giving it to you, for when the sun rises on this brand new day:
“Lord, please shine on me
So that I might hear and smell, taste and touch and see and be alive.
So that I might shine like You as a light upon this world for Jesus Christ.
The Light shines in the darkness and the darkness has comprehended it not.
The night is far spent, the day is at hand, let us therefore cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light.
Light is sown for the righteous, and joy for the upright in heart.
Now Lord, where are you working and how can I help?
In Your Name. Amen.”

(Now take your hands, cup them together, and grab hold of a few scoops of that precious first light. Pour some out on your head and make sure to put the rest in your pocket. Give it away to someone else who might need it today, and don’t be stingy. Don’t you go saving it for a rainy day and keep it all to yourself. That’s what you’ve got Hope for :)
God bless you in 2018.