Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Finished for the Year

Well, it's official.
We've sold our home and our studio as of 3 pm today.
In another month I'll be in Haiti, and Lord willing my family will follow me down soon as I can find us a place to live.
Anyone that needs to reach us can still call our studio number, 605,582-8259, or email dan@danelliottphotography.com
We'll check in from time to time from Haiti.
Otherwise we'll be back by the end of May 2012, to resume our photography and provide enough income each Summer to return to Haiti every Fall, until God says we're finished.
Blessings to all, and many thanks to everyone who helped to support our family through the years by allowing us the privilege to take your pictures and capture your special moments.
We'll be trying to update a blog through a website we've setup at www.biblesforhaiti.org

Until Christ has come our work is undone,

The Elliott Family


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